O fost buna prietena mi-a recomandat pagina aceasta :
Nu stiu de ce , dar mi se parea ca insasi comentariile de dezaprobare sunt niste fake-uri.
Asa ca m-am uitat si la pagina principala (http://www.healthycounselor.com/en2BvZqqR/)
Si da, aveam dreptate:
Paul Nicolae
Buna. Nu ma iau deobicei dupa reclame, am 54 de ani, nu mai cred asa usor ca un produs poate vindeca ceva pentru totdeuna.dar,va jur, sunt uimit, am comandat produsul si l-am folosit cateva luni.Nu mai imi cade parul, parul alb si sur mi-a disparut aproape in totalitate ,arata cam cum era cand aveam 20 de ani.Sunt foarte multumit, serul nu e o pacaleala, este foarte bun.
Ryan Gordon
hello. That’s a 54-year folk here. I am usually not taken in by the multiple fake products out there that cure everything, and they cure it instantly and terminally. I ordered that product, though, and used it for several months. This thing put an end to my hair fall and it really helped me grow darker hair – it is not exactly black, but it’s dark brown. Which is very close to the color my hair was when I was 20-something year old. I am positive – this serum does the trick and it does it well.
Si nu am o problema cu parul – el a avut o problema cu mine ….