Maintaining history of data modifications & Inversion of Control

Presentation 1Maintaining history of data modifications ( Microsoft SQL Server 2016)Presenter:Andrei Ignat, Coding / Event Sourcing2. Table Triggers3. Change Data Capture4. Temporal Tables5. Conclusions Presentation 2 Inversion of Control  Presenter: Costin Manda ,  For starters please see   Data: 23 mai 2017, ora 19 Inscrieri

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WorldBank–adaugare de indicatori si o idee de refactoring la teste

Dupa ce am adus tarile ( countries)  si am facut testarea , am zis sa aduc si indicatorii( ).  La indicatia lui Alexandru Savu de data trecuta, am copiat JSON si am dat File => Paste Special =>Paste JSON as Classes si a fost ok. La indicatori  am inceput sa vad limitarile la ce am […]

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Freelancing / Remote Work and SqlServer 2016 Temporal Tables

  Pe 11 aprilie avem un nou ADCES – cu doua prezentari Prezentarea 1:Asia Lindsay, Title: How Freelancing and Remote Work is Changing the WorldDescription:– How to break into freelancing– How freelancing and remote work can improve your life– What it’s like being a digital nomad (hint- it’s fun!) Prezentarea 2:  Andrei Ignat, […]

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Bula de evenimente IT

Saptamina care a trecut au fost urmatoarele evenimene IT in Bucuresti DevAfterWork la Ubisoft, ROSql meeting, Docker , 3 Cool things about D, Open Source Catalyst  si probabil altele de care nu am aflat Saptamina aceasta sunt Code4Beer, Powershell fun facts, Code and Beer, Digital Ocean microservices, Azure as a service.Mobile Growth, Building sparrow wireless […]

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