Smartlook  – m-am abonat si este interesant. Pui un javascript si iti genereaza un video cu ce ce fac utilizatorii site-ului tau Au restrictii la free account pe storage si pe play( trebuie sa te duci pe data respectiva ca sa vezi ce a facut un utilizator) Au si program de referral –  Imi place  […]

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Jobs @ EA

Web Analytics Developer Temporary 2+ years experience working with C# ASP.NET or Java or NodeJS, with demonstrated experience in the full stack development of web applications C# Software Engineer Permanent 2+ years experience working with C# ASP.NET Software Engineer in Test  Temporary 1+ years of experience working with C# Database Engineer (SQL) Permanent 5+ years […]

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SAP Hana Cloud Platform & Dockerizing an ASP.NET Core application

Azi la 19:00  la Electronic Arts: Prezentarea 1.SAP Hana Cloud PlatformPrezentator : Radu Simen,Descriere:i. Microservices with Java/Spring and Hanaii. Front-end : Spring MVC si SAP UI5iii. IaaS in HCP (VMs or Docker) 2. Dockerizing an ASP.NET Core application and creating a CI/CD workflow with GitHub, Docker Hub, Docker Cloud and Microsoft Azure Descriere: In this […]

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Windows 10 , WiFi Hostspot si Powershell

Daca aveti Windows 7, 8 , 10 ( da, lipseste 9 …. ) cu WiFi, puteti sa creati un Hotspot direct din Windows – doar ca e command line Documentatia o gasiti aici:  Sunt vreo doua comenzi de netsh.exe de dat – asa ca am facut un powershell si l-am hostat pe github  […]

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I need a colleague at EA

Senior Software Quality Engineer  – needs to have good C# knowledge and automated testing. Software Engineer in Test  – FIFA Team – needs to have good C# knowledge and a passion for FIFA – : ) . Software Engineer (1-year contract)   – just C# and maintain various automation scripts Software Engineer (1-year contract)  –  ASP.NET […]

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Final 2016

2016 a insemnat pentru mine 1. Tutoriale YouTube despre .NET si tools –  2. ADCES – organizare pe meetup  , facebook si mailchimp – 12 intilniri cu subiecte diverse ( si avem subiecte si 2 luni din anul urmator ) 3. Initiativa Hardware Share – prin care punem la dispozitie raspberry pi si altele […]

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Am intilnit si IT-isti nefericiti

Asta e contraponderea de la Organizez o intilnire de .NET o data pe luna ( ) . Ocazional, oamenii ma intreaba diverse chestii despre ea. Insa asa mi-a ajuns la paroxism – pentru ca pe Meet-up gasesti si adresa si tot Winking smile . Dialogul are 2 protagonisti: eu si un IT-ist. Discutia a […]

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