alte reguli – comentarii

Better Dot Net projects you Open your Connection in a Try Block? quote:Note:Do not use the ‘using’ keyword in C#. The using keyword is used to declare a scope out of which the connection will be disposed. For the sake of consistancy, we like out VB.NET and C# projects to be as similar as possible. […]

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blogger convert to dasblog

  See: 1.  Change settings, under “Formatting” tell it to show 999 days on the front page.  DO NOT PUBLISH 2.  Modify your blogger template to: <?xml encoding=”utf-8″ ?><entries><Blogger><bi_url><![CDATA[<$BlogItemURL$>]]></bi_url><bi_title><![CDATA[<$BlogItemTitle$>]]></bi_title><bi_body><![CDATA[<$BlogItemBody$>]]></bi_body><bi_author><![CDATA[<$BlogItemAuthorNickname$>]]></bi_author><bi_date><![CDATA[<$BlogItemDateTime$>]]></bi_date></Blogger></entries> 3.  DO NOT PUBLISH, instead hit the “Preview” button 4.  In the resulting screen, you’ll see a bunch of unformatted text.  Select “View Source” […]

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linux si vb

Nu ma pot abtine sa nu citez : Linus Torvalds: I don’t think we’ll see a “big jump”. We’ve seen a lot of tools to help make all the everyday drudgery easier – with high-level languages and perhaps the integration of simple databases into the language being the main ones. But most of the buzz-words […]

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