top 50 companii

Revista Capital a publicat top 50 companii pentru care sa lucrezi.Din pacate , nu am lucrat la nici una din ele -dar era cit pe ce sa lucrez la Siveco si la TotalSoftA lucrat cineva la ei ? Daca da, e asa de bine ?Nu ma pasioneaza remarci de genul ” un prieten mi-a spus […]

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Copie free de Vista DB2.1

Si ca sa primesc free -trebuie sa fac post la chestia asta ( ceea ce fac): VistaDB 2.1 database for .NET has been released This 2.1 update includes over 60 improvements, including new support for .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2005. VistaDB is a small-footprint, embedded SQL database alternative to Jet/Access, MSDE and SQL […]

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examene C# la brainbench

Daca vreti sa fiti invitati, Lista de examene : October’s sponsored tests include: * .NET Framework * Accounts Payable Fundamentals* Adobe Photoshop CS * Automotive Industry Knowledge (U.S.) * BEA WebLogic Application Server 8.1* C# * Computer Fundamentals (Win XP) * Computer Technical Support * Crystal Reports 9 * CSS2* Data Entry * English Vocabulary* […]

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charles petzold despre Visual Studio

Articolul e interesant de citit , desi are si greseli .Vezi de pilda,citatul:In order to get IntelliSense to work correctly, bottom-up programming is best. IntelliSense wants every class, every method, every property, every field, every method parameter, every local variable properly defined before you refer to it. If that’s not the case, then IntelliSense will […]

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