charles petzold despre Visual Studio

Articolul e interesant de citit , desi are si greseli .
Vezi de pilda,citatul:
In order to get IntelliSense to work correctly, bottom-up programming is best. IntelliSense wants every class, every method, every property, every field, every method parameter, every local variable properly defined before you refer to it. If that’s not the case, then IntelliSense will try to correct what you’re typing by using something that has been defined, and which is probably just plain wrong.

Pentru 2005 , nu e adevarat -daca scrii corect, iti pune o mica iconita asemanatoare cu “paste” si in care poti selecta daca vrei using sau prefixa cu namespace-ul

Dar super mi se pare observatia :
“But Visual Studio is not interested in having you write good code. It wants you to
write fast code”
Si ce e rau in asta ? Iar pentru cei care vor sa scrie bine, o alternativa este FxCop (iarasi implementat in 2005 – dar bineinteles nu e selectat default)

Altfel -da – VS mi-a format modul de programare ( de la VB4 incoace )
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