De la eweek: The Best IT Advice I Ever Got :
- Managing IT = 80% people, 20% technology
- Multiply the estimated time by 3.5.
Don’t prematurely optimize. Prove something works first and then
optimize, because you’ll never guess where the true issues lie and will
waste a lot of time in the process.
Person of the year ( Time ) : You.
Ah , ce bine ma simt ca avind acest blog am contribuit la dezvoltarea generala!
Oh, si pe deasupra , Pluto nu mai e planeta. Cine mai stie cite planete mai sunt?Parca anul trecut se descoperea una noua.Cred ca astronomii astia nu mai au habar de definitia unei planete( si nici eu: cum fac diferenta intre o planeta si o cometa??)